Rectification of Instruments : Exclusive Notes - 02

Written by HT AL-AMIN KHAN , Student, Department of Land Management and Law, Jagannath University, Dhaka. Introduction The term ‘Rectification’ means the action putting something rights. Section 31 to 34 of The Specific Relief Act, 1877 Deals with the Rectification of Instruments. When Instrument may be Rectified In Section 31 states, a party, or his representative in interest, may institute a suit to have the instrument rectified in the following condition such as – a) When such instrument is made through fraud; or b) Mutual Mistake of parties; c) Such contract or other instrument does not truly express their intention. Procedure of Court After instituting a suit for rectified instrument, the court find it clearly proved that – a) There has been fraud; or b) Mistake in framing instrument; and c) ...